Bar Mitzvah Tallit: How To Present Yourself In The Occasion!

Bar mitzvah is definitely the most significant event in any Jew boy’s life. But if you are invited in this occasion then this post is for you. Read on!

 Bar mitzvah is definitely the most significant event in any Jew boy’s life. Now, what if you are invited to attend one such ceremony? Ever wondered how you should go about the whole occasion? Well, much like any other special occasion, this beautiful event also has some decorum that all the guests and invitees must keep in mind. Apart from gifting the boy a beautiful Bar Mitzvah tallit there are some things that you need to keep in mind. If you are not really aware of all these then fret not as this post talks about exactly that! Read on as in this post I will be listing a few things that you must keep in mind whenever you are at one such occasion. So let’s get started!

Classic Tallit With Gray & Black Strips
Classic Tallit With Gray & Black Strips

Bar Mitzvah Tallit: How To Present Yourself In The Occasion!

Dress Appropriately: The first important thing to keep in mind is that the Bar Mitzvah service is actually a semi-formal event which is generally held in a synagogue usually on Shabbat. It means that you need to dress modestly and respectfully in the event. Also note that in most cases, the dress code is actually mentioned and you are expected to follow it. However, if the invitation doesn’t mention you can also give the parents a call and know the actual dress-code they have in their mind. 

You Can Also Wear Some Jewish Prayer Accessories: The Bar Mitzvah ceremony is actually the coming of age ceremony for the Jewish boys. Hence, just like them you can go for some specific Jewish prayer accessories. They can be Tallit and Kippah. Also note that this ceremony can also be held on a Monday or Thursday, so in this case you might also need Tefillin. Generally, the tallit is a prayer shawl that is worn by the Jewish men during their morning prayer. Men should also wear a Kippah while entering the synagogue but the Kippah is not actually a religious Jewish accessory. Hence, if you are not Jewish you can also skip the Tallit and just wear the Kippah.

Blue Lion of Judah Tallit

 Blue Lion of Judah Tallit


Respecting The Occasion: This is very important as I mentioned earlier this occasion is a semi-formal occasion. So you must not use cell phones, no pictures/selfies/videos and definitely no smoking. These activities are not just disrespectful but they are also not even allowed on Shabbat. You must also avoid speaking too loudly to your friends during the prayers, especially the “Amidah” prayer which is the “holiest” prayer in the entire morning service. Please keep in mind that the synagogue is a holy place for prayer and not at all for babbling or chatting. You must wait patiently till the service is over. After that you will be invited to have the light Kiddush meal hosted by the family who invited you. This is time where you can freely catch up with your friends!

What Else?

There will be various customs and ritual that will take place during the whole occasion. If you are not a Jew, you might not know all of them. So, just try to follow them and respect the holy environment of the occasion. Nobody is there to judge you, yet you must have your own sense of integrity and respect. Also, if you are wondering where you can find the best quality Bar Mitzvah tallit to gift and other Jewish accessories for the occasion then look no further but visit -  one of the most trusted Judaica stores around. Here you can find all the items you need to make this occasion beautiful. Also, if you have any further query, feel free to mention them and we will be addressing them in the future posts.